About Us

Artificial intelligence (AI)is set to be a transformational $20 trillion opportunity. Yet, as AI becomes more sophisticated, it gets harder to understand the inner workings of these models making decision making a ‘black box’. To have confidence in the outcomes, it is necessary to know how the algorithm arrived at its recommendations. Yet opening up the black box is difficult and may not always be essential. So, when should you lift the lid, and how?

Our company, Glassbox AI Limited, is an AI service applicable across industries powered by our proprietary Explainable AI. We were founded with the aim to bridge the gap in technological transformation in regulated industries like Finance and Insurance by making it possible to better understand the inner workings of AI. With the help of powerful visualisations while also making reliable predictions and actionable insights, we leverage Explainable AI to make the use of machine learning ubiquitous and compliant.

Our team is made up of researchers and professors with extensive experience in AI. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and deliver explainability and transparency. We are constantly striving towards being at the forefront of industrial adoption of Explainable AI across the globe.